Mediating Effects of Depression and Social Supports between Type D Personality and Quality of Life on Hemodialysis Patients

Geum Soon Kwon, Kyung Hee Lim
2019 Korean Journal of Adult Nursing  
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore influence of Type D personality of hemodialysis patients on quality of life and to elucidate mediation effects of depression and social supports between Type D personality and quality of life. Methods: The subjects were 126 patients who were receiving hemodialysis treatments at four dialysis clinics in Pusan and Daegu metropolitans. Data were collected from January 22th to February 28th, 2018 and analyzed with descriptive statistics, x 2 test,
more » ... dependent t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and three-step mediated regression analysis using SPSS/WIN 22.0. Significances of mediation effects were examined using bootstrapping method based on SPSS Process Macro program. Results: The prevalence of Type D personality in hemodialysis patients were 42.9%. Type D personality in hemodialysis patients had significant effects on quality of life, showing explanatory power of 12%. Depression showed complete mediating effects and also showed 42% of substantiating probability, and social supports showed partial mediating effects and showed 19% of substantiating probability. Conclusion: Summing up the result of research until now, in order to improve the quality of life for Type D personality hemodialysis patient, it is necessary to develop strategies not only to relieve depression using early evaluation on depression status, consulting therapy, cognition behavior mediation and so on, but also to enhance social supports like participating in voluntary meetings and building up social network to expand relationship with close people. 서 론 1. 연구의 필요성 대한신장학회에 따르면 우리나라에서 만성신부전으로 신 대체 요법을 받고 있는 환자의 수는 2016년 말 93,884명이며, 그 중 혈액투석을 받고 있는 환자가 68,853명(73%)으로 가장 높을 비율을 차지하고 있으며 해마다 증가하고 있다[1]. 혈액 투석은 만성신부전 환자에게 가장 많이 시행되고 있는 치료방 법으로 효과적이고 안전한 신 대체 요법이며[2] 혈액투석기술 과 의학적 치료가 발전하면서 혈액투석 환자의 신체적 안녕감 과 임상적 지표가 크게 향상되었다. 그러나 만성신부전의 문제 ⓒ 2019 Korean Society of Adult Nursing 본 연구목적은 혈액투석 환자를 대상으로 Type D 성격, 우 울, 사회적 지지 삶의 질 정도를 확인하고, Type D 성격과 삶의 질 간의 관계에서 우울 및 사회적 지지의 매개효과를 규명하기 위함이다.
doi:10.7475/kjan.2019.31.4.439 fatcat:ekpbzbjyqzbsxd3fu73xapob5u