Forced magnetic reconnection in the inviscid Taylor problem

Andrew Cole, Richard Fitzpatrick
2004 Physics of Plasmas  
Two-dimensional, nonlinear, Hall-magnetohydrodynamical ͑MHD͒ numerical simulations are used to investigate the scaling of the rate of forced magnetic reconnection in the so-called Taylor problem. In this problem, a small amplitude boundary perturbation is suddenly applied to a tearing stable, slab plasma equilibrium. The perturbation is such as to drive magnetic reconnection within the plasma. This type of reconnection, which is not due to an intrinsic plasma instability, is generally termed
more » ... rced reconnection." Hall effects are found to greatly accelerate the rate of magnetic reconnection, relative to the well-known Sweet-Parker rate. In the nonlinear Hall-MHD regime with arbitrary guide field, the peak reconnection rate is found to be independent of the resistivity, and to scale like d/dtϳ͓␤/(1ϩ␤)͔ 3/4 d i 3/2 ⌶ 0 2 , where ␤ is the plasma beta calculated using the guide field, d i the collisionless ion skin depth, and ⌶ 0 the amplitude of the boundary perturbation.
doi:10.1063/1.1756587 fatcat:hnp4odlvkfc2zibujfpl2za5nu