Robust Simultaneous Stabilization Control Method for Two Port-Controlled Hamiltonian Systems: Controller Parameterization

Zhong Cao, Xiaorong Hou
2014 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
This paper investigates robust simultaneous stabilization (RSS) control method for two port-controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) systems and proposes results on the design of simultaneous stabilization controller with parameters for such systems. Firstly, two PCH systems are studied. Using the dissipative Hamiltonian structural properties, the systems are combined to generate an augmented PCH system. When there are external disturbances in the systems, a robust controller with parameters is designed
more » ... the systems. Secondly, an algorithm for solving parameters of the controller is proposed with symbolic computation. Finally, an illustrative example is presented to show that the RSS controller obtained in this paper works very well.
doi:10.1155/2014/748930 fatcat:sepeqjcxm5cejgchcspup7ceai