Index [chapter]

2013 Aquaculture  
Index Artemia (brine shrimp) (cont'd) marketing, 611 production in field, 120-1 Artemia (brine shrimp) used in culturing Chinese mitten crab larvae, 519 fish larvae and juveniles, 404, 420-43 Macrobrachium larvae, 525 mud crab larvae, 535-6 ornamental fish, 602 shrimp larvae, 489 spiny lobster larvae, 538 artificial hatchery feeds, see larval and juvenile feeds artificial propagation, 296 Asian seaperches (Lateolabracidae) culture Japanese seaperch, 423 astaxanthin, 210, 332, 410 Atlantic
more » ... (Salmo salar) biology and habitats, 315 global production, 314 grow-out farming, 327-33 harvest and processing, 336 hatchery and nursery culture, 318-25 reproduction and life cycle, 316 smolt, 324-5 see also salmonids Australia (statistics), 285, 314, 570 autosomes (general chromosomes), 344 average cost of production curve, 259
doi:10.1002/9781118687932.index fatcat:sp7p7ve5f5evrpudp4zugnfpki