Poeci i uczeni w wierszach okolicznościowych Wincentego Pola

Andrzej Gurbiel
2018 Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria  
The first part of the paper is dedicated to Wincenty Pol's occasional poems, dedicated to poets and poetry, and on that basis, it is possible to reconstruct the author's perception of the situation of poets and poetry, as well as their role in society deprived of political identity. The second area of discussion are Pol's works, which are addressed to scholars and, at the same time, emphasise the significance of their activity for the spiritual condition of the Poles, and indicate the
more » ... y of the poet's (and an active researcher's) reflections in relation to individual and collective research initiatives.
doi:10.24917/20811853.18.2 fatcat:q4vdbkmvwvdztiayzimsf4flp4