Wet-Weather Piloting Toward the Largest Compressible Media Filter on the Planet

J. Fitzpatrick, T. Weaver, M. Boner, M. Anderson, C. O'Bryan, S. Tarallo
2011 Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation  
Onsite pilot testing was recently completed to confirm performance and design criteria for the 380-ML/d (100-mgd) excess flow high-rate treatment facilities that are being designed for the City of Springfield's wastewater treatment plant. The performance of the compressible media filter pilot demonstrated consistent compliance with all regulatory requirements for CSO treatment and produced average effluent TSS concentrations below 30 mg/L while treating wetweather flows. Furthermore, dose
more » ... se testing demonstrated that the effluent from the compressible media filter was consistently amenable to hypochlorite disinfection, requiring doses and contact times equivalent to those typically used for conventional secondary effluents. The new high-rate treatment facilities will consist of new structures and equipment for influent excess flow interception, screening, compressible media filtration, hypochlorite disinfection, bisulfite dechlorination and effluent pumping. Construction of these upgrades is scheduled to be completed in 2014.
doi:10.2175/193864711802766218 fatcat:jeundnqdarcelf6rxmkc6iemty