Toward the "Higher Type of Womanhood": The Gendered Contours of Garveyism and the Making of Redemptive Geographies in Costa Rica, 1922–1941

Asia Leeds
2013 Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International  
A s s o c ia t e E d it o r o f T h e Sta t e H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y o f Iow a Vol. II Issued in J anuary 1921 No. 1 COPYRIGHT 1921 BY THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA i This account in a slightly longer form appeared in The Register and Leader (Des Moines) February 23, 1913.
doi:10.1353/pal.2013.0000 fatcat:ncigszktkbfcjelhfdp2ikksma