Grouping of 24 apple cultivars on the basis of starch degradation rate and their fruit pattern

L. Szalay, M. Ordidge, G. Ficzek, P. Hadley, M. Tóth, N.H. Battey
2013 Horticultural Science  
The ripening processes of 24 apple cultivars were examined in the United Kingdom NationalFruit Collection in 2010. Basically the starch content, and additionally ground colour, water-soluble solids content and flesh firmness were studied during ripening. The degradation of the starch content was evaluated using a 0–10 scale. A starch degradation value of 50% was taken to be the optimum harvest date, with harvest beginning at a value of 40% and finishing at 60%. Depending on the cultivar,
more » ... his represented a harvest window of 9 to 21 days. Later ripening cultivars matured more slowly, leading to a longer harvesting period, with the exception of cv. Feuillemorte. Pronounced differences were observed among the cultivars on the basis of the starch degradation pattern, allowing them to be divided into four groups. Separate charts were elaborated for each group that are recommended for use in practice.    
doi:10.17221/143/2012-hortsci fatcat:3um6ohs52rdjpgh4cujlggoe54