Aplicação de lipases no tratamento de águas residuárias com elevados teores de lipídeos

Adriano Aguiar Mendes, Heizir Ferreira de Castro, Ernandes Benedito Pereira, Agenor Furigo Júnior
2005 Química Nova  
Recebido em 12/12/03; aceito em 14/9/04; publicado na web em 4/2/05 APPLICATION OF LIPASES FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT CONTAINING HIGH LEVELS OF LIPIDS. The process of anaerobic digestion has been greatly developed during the last decades for the treatment of wastewater from food industries as for example, wastewaters from sugar and starch manufacturing and from breweries. However, for wastewaters which contain high amounts of fats and proteins, such as those from slaughterhouses and dairies,
more » ... obic digestion was found to be troublesome, due to the potential of sludge flotation, the formation of scum layers of lipids at the surface of the reactor, which are not digested and the toxicity of the intermediate compounds (long chain fatty acids) generated during the anaerobic digestion of the wastewater. The addition of hydrolytic enzymes, such as lipases prior to the anaerobic digestion can minimize these problems. In this work, this strategy is reviewed and the technical issues that must be considered in determining its feasibility are discussed.
doi:10.1590/s0100-40422005000200022 fatcat:4r3yqqzlwvhbdnd3hcv2d4tkba