O-01 Behavior of Glycine in Supercritical Water Gasification in Less than 5s
O-01 5s以下でのグリシンの超臨界水ガス化挙動

Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science  
Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) is attracting attention because it can convert biomass quickly and almost completely. When nitrogen containing feedstock is to be gasified, behavior of nitrogen under hydrothermal conditions is important. There are some studies about amino acid decomposition in subcritical condition. It is also known that ionic reactions mainly take place under subcritical condition. As for supercritical conditions, amino acid is known to decompose rapidly, and its
more » ... sition rate has not been determined due to its short reaction time. In this study, we conducted SCWG of glycine in less than 5 s. The experiment was conducted using a tubular flow reactor at 25 MPa and
doi:10.20550/jiebiomassronbun.15.0_1 fatcat:g4vpgd7wzngehlj5jos5sztmxm