Performance improvement using data tags for handheld spatial augmented reality

Andrew Irlitti, Stewart Von Itzstein, Ross T. Smith, Bruce H. Thomas
2014 Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology - VRST '14  
Mobile devices such as some recent phones are now fitted with projection capabilities that support Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) and require investigation to uncover new interaction possibilities. This paper presents a study measuring user performance in a search and select task using a tracked handheld projector and data tags, a 3D physical cue. This physical cue is used to mark the location of hidden SAR information. The experiment required participants to search for virtual symbols
more » ... d on two 5ft, multi-sided control panels. Two methods of presenting AR information were employed, SAR alone and SAR with the inclusion of physical cues to indicate the location of the information. The results showed that attaching data tags, compared to virtual content alone lowered the overall task completion time and reduced handheld projector movement. Subjectively, participants also preferred the combination of virtual data with data tags across both task variations
doi:10.1145/2671015.2671116 dblp:conf/vrst/IrlittiIST14 fatcat:hx7cqbogezcq7g6m6pdm74jltm