Recent advances in the application triplet–triplet annihilation-based photon upconversion systems to solar technologies

Jacopo Pedrini, Angelo Monguzzi
2017 Journal of Photonics for Energy  
Recent advances in the application triplet-triplet annihilation-based photon upconversion systems to solar technologies," Abstract. Upconversion (UC) of low-energy photons into high-energy light can in principle increase the efficiency of solar devices by converting photons with energies below the energy absorption threshold into radiation that can be utilized. Among UC mechanisms, the sensitized triplet-triplet annihilation-based upconversion (sTTA-UC) is the most recent that would be applied
more » ... n solar technologies. sTTA-UC was demonstrated using sunlight in 2006, and due to its high efficiency at low excitation intensities with noncoherent light, it is considered a promising strategy for the recovering of subbandgap photons. Here, we describe briefly the working principle of the sTTA-UC, and we review the most recent advances of its use in solar applications.
doi:10.1117/1.jpe.8.022005 fatcat:dxnzzyfzzjh6jioxvxzyo75su4