Non‐destructive platinum catalyst‐replenishment method for deteriorated polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Jaeyeon Kim, Hongnyung Yoo, Hyeok Kim, Dasol Kim, Geon Hwi Kim, Obeen Kwon, Heesoo Choi, Hyeonjin Cha, Taehyun Park
2021 Energy Science & Engineering  
A novel method for replenishing platinum catalysts on an electrolyte membrane of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is studied. The method injects electrocatalyst-supplementing ink into a pre-assembled fuel cell in a simple and non-destructive manner. For replenishing, straightforward catalystreplenishment equipment and corresponding protocol are proposed. The protocol consists of injection, penetration, and purge processes. As a feasibility study, the method is performed on fuel
more » ... ls with pristine membranes. Target fuel cells for this study include a membrane-assembled cell without catalyst layers (CLs) (Cell 1) and a cell assembled with a membrane-coated cathodic CL (Cell 2 ). An open-circuit voltage of 0.804 V in Cell 1 and a current of 77 mA in Cell 2 are measured, as supported through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Results of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy also support the presence of platinum catalysts.
doi:10.1002/ese3.1029 fatcat:awwhybeso5dm7e6w6pobvvtjuu