Interface design for IT service management practice

Joao Nabais, Alexandre Miguel Pinto, Antonio Cruz, Jorge Cardoso
2014 2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)  
As the worldwide economy becomes increasingly service-based, companies have a growing need for the adoption of IT Service Management (ITSM) best practices, tools, and methodologies. The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of best practices in ITSM and is now highly adopted by the industry. However, implementing ITIL is complex and costly, and enterprises that design, adopt and provide ITSM services, often end up with different analysis methods and designs for similar
more » ... SM solutions. Aiming at reducing costs and standardizing ITIL-based implementations we propose a methodology to build ITIL conformant interfaces for its processes and functions. This methodology aims for the standardization and partial automation of the construction of reusable software components that are ITIL conformant. It promotes software reuse for ITSM /ITIL solutions market, through the future development of ITSM interfaces.
doi:10.1109/cisti.2014.6876929 fatcat:gdf5hjsyxbanxo6tty4ttkthlu