Background estimation techniques in searches for heavy resonances at CMS

Lisa Benato
2018 Proceedings of The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics — PoS(EPS-HEP2017)   unpublished
Many Beyond Standard Model theories predict the existence of heavy resonances (≥1 TeV) decaying into final states that include a high-energetic, boosted jet and charged leptons or neutrinos. In these very peculiar conditions, Monte Carlo predictions are not reliable enough to reproduce accurately the expected Standard Model background. A data-Monte Carlo hybrid approach (αratio method) has been successfully adopted since the LHC Run 1 in searches for heavy Higgs bosons performed by the CMS
more » ... boration. By taking advantage of data in signal-free control regions, determined exploiting the boosted jet substructure, predictions are extracted in the signal region. The α-ratio method and jet substructure techniques are described, along with some recent results obtained with 2016 Run 2 data collected by the CMS detector.
doi:10.22323/1.314.0681 fatcat:hluo453td5aopomdvxmi4irfca