Tuning the Reduction of Graphene Oxide Nanoflakes Differently Affects Neuronal Networks in the Zebrafish

Giuseppe Di Mauro, Rossana Rauti, Raffaele Casani, George Chimowa, Anne Marie Galibert, Emmanuel Flahaut, Giada Cellot, Laura Ballerini
2021 Nanomaterials  
The increasing engineering of biomedical devices and the design of drug-delivery platforms enriched by graphene-based components demand careful investigations of the impact of graphene-related materials (GRMs) on the nervous system. In addition, the enhanced diffusion of GRM-based products and technologies that might favor the dispersion in the environment of GRMs nanoparticles urgently requires the potential neurotoxicity of these compounds to be addressed. One of the challenges in providing
more » ... finite evidence supporting the harmful or safe use of GRMs is addressing the variety of this family of materials, with GRMs differing for size and chemistry. Such a diversity impairs reaching a unique and predictive picture of the effects of GRMs on the nervous system. Here, by exploiting the thermal reduction of graphene oxide nanoflakes (GO) to generate materials with different oxygen/carbon ratios, we used a high-throughput analysis of early-stage zebrafish locomotor behavior to investigate if modifications of a specific GRM chemical property influenced how these nanomaterials affect vertebrate sensory-motor neurophysiology—exposing zebrafish to GO downregulated their swimming performance. Conversely, reduced GO (rGO) treatments boosted locomotor activity. We concluded that the tuning of single GRM chemical properties is sufficient to produce differential effects on nervous system physiology, likely interfering with different signaling pathways.
doi:10.3390/nano11092161 pmid:34578477 pmcid:PMC8468975 fatcat:w33hppftfnh2hitzl6zlk7zc3m