THz local oscillator technology

Imran Mehdi, Jonas Zmuidzinas, Wayne S. Holland, Stafford Withington
2004 Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II  
The last decade has seen a number of technological advancements that have now made it possible to implement fully solid state local oscillator chains up to 2 THz. These chains are composed of cascaded planar multiplier stages that are pumped with W-band high power sources. The high power W-band sources are achieved by power combining MMIC amplifiers and can provide in access of 150 mW with about 10% bandwidth. Planar diode technology has also enabled novel circuit topologies that can take
more » ... age of the high input power and demonstrate significant efficiencies well into the THz range. Cascaded chains to 1.9 THz have now been demonstrated with enough output power to successfully pump hot-electron bolometer mixers in this frequency range. An overview of the current State-of-the-Art of the local oscillator technology will be presented along with highlighting future trends and challenges.
doi:10.1117/12.552296 fatcat:jiy3hwr5bfbq5bjvbz2xzg6wti