Authentic leadership. Concept and validation of the ALQ in Spain
Liderazgo auténtico. Concepto y validación del cuestionario ALQ en España

Juan A Moriano, Fernando Molero, Jean-Pierre Lévy Mangin
2011 Psicothema  
This study presents the validation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) in a sample of more than 600 Spanish employees. This questionnaire measures four distinct but related substantive components of authentic leadership. These components are: self-awareness, relational transparency, balanced processing, and internalized moral perspective. Structural equation modeling confirmed that the Spanish version of ALQ has high reliability and predictive validity for important leadership
more » ... s such as perceived effectiveness of leadership, followers' extra effort and satisfaction with the leader.
pmid:21504690 fatcat:eai4xmzclngyhaecmti3bv4paq