A study on education planning method for human operators considering production plans

Koji IWAMURA, Daisuke NISHIHAMA, Kentaro TANAKA, Yoshitaka TANIMIZU, Nobuhiro SUGIMURA
2014 Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)  
This paper deals with an education planning method of human operators considering production plans. The human operators carry out machining operations by using manual machine tools based on their skills in target manufacturing systems. The individual human operators can obtain new skills to operate the machine tools by receiving trainings. New education planning method is proposed based on mixed integer programming problems in this research. The mixed integer programming problem determines
more » ... ble numbers of the trainings and that of the machining operations executed by the human operators for productions. Objective functions of the mixed integer programming problem are minimizing overtime hours and maximizing sum of training priorities. The training priorities represent indices of required skills according to production plans, and number of the skills which have already been obtained. Some case studies have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed education planning method.
doi:10.1299/transjsme.2014trans0144 fatcat:27tpjcinvfgnflom7ycomjdrjy