Acquisition Of Strategies For Initiation To Research In Diverse Environments

Carlota de León Huertas, Ignacio González López, Dolores Eslava Suanes
2014 REMIE : Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research  
As part of the training of future professional orientation it has been brought about to the students the participation in a teaching space where they can acquire strategies to the beginning investigation in diverse environments. In this study it is gathered the detailed analysis of the basic strategies of investigation that these students have reached along six years, as well as the reflection and the conceptual change that the students have experimented with regard to the attention to the diversity and the diverse environments.
doi:10.4471/remie.2014.13 doaj:ccd74b94b262429d8b19fedeed673292 fatcat:nb2syamlzvd2ljj77eaxtkphee