Nano-Mechanochemistry at the Solid-State Particle Bonding Interface

2022 Journal of the Society of Materials Science Japan  
Solid-state particle deposition is expected to be a novel material process for producing micrometer-order coatings to centimeter-order thick components by collisional stacking of particles without melting. This research project aims to examine such processes as a series of nano-mechanochemical phenomena, such as the ultrafast deformation of materials occurring in the nanoregion of a solid-state bonding interface. The corresponding chemical changes and the physicochemical phenomena associated
more » ... h bonding have been analyzed. This research project challenges the practice of extending the mechanics of the materials to explain nano-mechanochemical phenomena that integrate deformation and chemical reactions in micromaterials. In this article, we review the current progress in the solid-state particle deposition process and introduce a direction for this direction.
doi:10.2472/jsms.71.678 fatcat:ydnq2rnl4jajdhx5sd36wlwco4