Malignant fibrous histocytoma of eyelid

Bharat R. Sonwane, Santosh Govind Rathod, Prajakta P. Patil, Parveen Shaikh, Rajan S. Bindu
2016 Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology  
Malignant fibrous histocytoma is undifferentiated soft tissue sarcoma of mesenchymal origin. It has predilection for male in later age of life, and upper and lower extremities are commonly affected. [1] We are reporting case of 35-year-old female, presented with left eyelid swelling, and histopathologically diagnosed as malignant fibrous histocytoma.
doi:10.5958/2394-6792.2016.00097.1 fatcat:vj7tfd24vrfjvdzlm3dpnsv3ti