Report on a Weather Radar Study for Aerospace Instrumentation Program Office (ESSI) Electronic Systems Division [report]

James W. Meyer
1970 unpublished
Presented here are the conclusions and recommendations of an ad hoc study group which investigated the problems and opportunities of providing improved airborne severe storm reconnaissance with special emphasis on airborne radar detection and surveillance of hurricanes. Study group recommendations are made in terms of what can and should be done in three epochs: by the 1970 hurricane season, by the 1971 hurricane season, and by the 1972 hurricane season. Several options are listed to allow some
more » ... flexibility in choice of implementation. Discussion of the rationale is also included, and suggestions of desirable improvements in areas other than radar are made. A rudimentary radar hurricane model is presented to aid in the analysis of competing systems, and the implications on radar design of the radar requirements as presented are discussed. Throughout our deliberations we recognized the urgency of implementation of an improved radar and the constraints thereby imposed, but also saw the need of a more pervasive review by a group consisting of members from the government agencies, from the operational units, and from the several scientific and technical disciplines that should be involved in the development of national resources for improved severe storm reconnaissance, analysis, and forecasting.
doi:10.21236/ad0701742 fatcat:i6figq6az5e7zgctw2o6u3x4hu