Study about researches on automated driving in Japan

Keisuke SHIMONO, Shoichi SUZUKI, Manabu UMEDA, Takahiko UCHIMURA, Yoshihiro SUDA
Seisan Kenkyu  
Research of automated driving was grown from a small topic on individual technologies in sensing, control and intelligent system. This research expands to various related topics now, and collaborating in automated driving research fields is important. However, there are limited numbers of research visualizing the current situation of automated driving. In SIP-adus 2 nd phase, the Japanese national project for automated driving, the research body to collaborate with overseas researchers also
more » ... stic research groups is expected to be established, and the Alliance for Promoting Mobility Innovation was organized under this national project. Overview of the study about automated driving researches with the Alliance is
doi:10.11188/seisankenkyu.74.81 fatcat:l5posnif35cezcnaf2waupbahq