Assessment of structural reliability of precast concrete buildings

Alexandr Koyankin, Valeriy Mitasov, N.O. Kopanitsa, T.Y. Ovsyannikova, V.S. Plevkov, A.A. Klopotov, L.A. Teplyakova, P.A. Radchenko
2018 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Precast housing construction is currently being under rapid development, however, reliability of building structures made from precast reinforced concrete cannot be assessed rationally due to insufficient research data on that subject. In this regard, experimental and numerical studies were conducted to assess structural reliability of precast buildings as described in the given paper. Experimental studies of full-scale and model samples were conducted; numerical studies were held based on
more » ... e element models using "Lira" software. The objects under study included fragment of flooring of a building under construction, full-size fragment of flooring, full-scale models of precast cross-beams-to-columns joints and joints between hollow-core floor slabs and precast and cast-inplace cross-beams. Conducted research enabled to perform an objective assessment of structural reliability of precast buildings.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201714301001 fatcat:hzfslfk4uveyxem6bqh5t3rl24