A classification model on tumor cancer disease based mutual information and firefly algorithm

Saadya F. Jabar
2019 Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)  
Cancer is a globally recognized cause of death. A proper cancer analysis demands the classification of several types of tumor. Investigations into microarray gene expressions seem to be a successful platform for revising genetic diseases. Although the standard machine learning (ML) approaches have been efficient in the realization of significant genes and in the classification of new types of cancer cases, their medical and logical application has faced several drawbacks such as DNA microarray
more » ... ata analysis limitation, which includes an incredible number of features and the relatively small size of an instance. To achieve a reasonable and efficient DNA microarray dataset information, there is a need to extend the level of interpretability and forecast approach while maintaining a great level of precision. In this work, a novel way of cancer classification based on based gene expression profiles is presented. This method is a combination of both Firefly algorithm and Mutual Information Method. First, the features are used to select the features before using the Firefly algorithm for feature reduction. Finally, the Support Vector Machine is used to classify cancer into types. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated by using it to classify datasets from colon cancer; the results of the evaluation were compared with some recent approaches.
doi:10.21533/pen.v7i3.656 fatcat:lte3s22qlbd5bkyuxw42f4plee