"B/M 9000 CS" the QCS with New Concept
新しいコンセプトのBM計「B/M 9000 CS」

Takao Maruyama
Yokogawa has released its new QCS, "B/M 9000 CS,' in May 1998. This document introduces this QCS with new concept mainly focusing on the development concept. B/M 9000 CS was developed in line with ETS (Enterprise Technology Solutions) , Yokogawa's business administration principle, and it is the ETS core product for the Paper Manufacturing Industry. We understand that requirements for the QCS today and future, are as follows. ・ Quality management of the paper, with increasing production speed,
more » ... ncreasing number of grades, and increasing quality requirement. ・ Complying with ecological issues. ・ Reducing the life cycle cost. ・ Contribution to production management and business administration. The key technologies of B/M 9000 CS for corresponding to these requirements, are explained in this document. The latest technology used for generating 1,200 point high-accuracy and high-density profile, is introduced in the measurement technology portion. Then, new operating and supervising environment based on Windows-NT, is introduced in the human interface technology portion. The new Profile Control Display, which is designed for comfortable operation of up to 500 zones of CD actuators, is also introduced in this portion. Next, Auto-tuning Function and On-line Adaptive Control Function are introduced in the control technology portion. These two Functions maintain the ideal control conditions to keep the minimum life cycle cost. Finally high-performance system communication bus and open data interface, the core technologies of this system, are introduced in the system technology portion. Furthermore, continuous development themes for the future QCS, are also introduced.
doi:10.2524/jtappij.53.352 fatcat:h2jehesoorbcjl753kq5oukbbm