Setting a foundation: underlying values and structures of health promotion in primary health care settings

C James Frankish, Glen Moulton, Irving Rootman, Carol Cole, Diane Gray
2006 Primary Health Care Research and Development  
lated the need for development of an integrated health care system with increased emphasis on primary health care, and incorporation of principles and practices of health promotion. Our article elucidates the requisite dimensions of a health promotion philosophy and approach in primary health care settings. We provide a strategy and framework to support practical and attainable action. Our aim is to provide clarity and an operational definition to health promotion so that it can be practically
more » ... ddressed. Context and rationale In recent decades, health promotion has developed in isolation and functioned separately from primary
doi:10.1191/1463423606pc279oa fatcat:kn6pibfcxbczhc2p2uy5b4hlzi