Consumer Trust in Retail: Development of a Multiple Item Scale

Vaishali Singh
2015 Journal of Economics Business and Management  
Consumer trust has been a topic of interest for marketing researchers since long. In retail it is seen as the single most powerful relationship marketing tool. Despite this fact, there has been no well accepted measure of consumer trust in retail context which considers all aspects of customer evaluations of a retail firm.This paper describes the development of a 14 item scale which is a collection of all those factors which can help build consumer trust for a retail firm .Using exploratory
more » ... or analysis, four distinct trust dimensions have emerged that were termed : Employees, Experience, Dependability, and Worthiness .The scale so developedhadan acceptable factor and overall reliability. Other measures of scale reliability were also within the acceptable limit.The scale devised has a number of potential applications and can serve as a base for future empirical research in the area of consumer trust.
doi:10.7763/joebm.2015.v3.318 fatcat:ytc2pfapyndvhaa4gerbgq2riq