Electron Correlation Effects on the Longitudinal Polarizabilities and Second Hyperpolarizabilities of Polyenes: A Finite Field Study

Qingxu Li, Xianju Zhou, Shiwei Yin
2014 International Journal of Photoenergy  
We carry out ab initio calculations, based on finite-field scheme, of the longitudinal polarizabilities (αL) and second hyperpolarizabilities (γL) of conjugated polyenes, and study the effects of electron correlation, with second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory and coupled cluster with singles and doubles method. Calculations with density functional theory are also made to compare with wave-function based methods. Our study shows that electron correlation reduces linear longitudinal
more » ... arizability and enhances longitudinal second hyperpolarizability for short polyenes, but the effects decrease as the chain increases; choosing appropriate basis sets is important when quantitative results are required.
doi:10.1155/2014/346272 fatcat:gigvd6fmijai7jvm2bs3ity7eu