F. Alia Humarah
2013 Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa  
<span>The goal of this research activity is to investigate what things will improve consumer <span>satisfaction and loyalty of online stores in Indonesia. Researchers can take advantage <span>of the results obtained and then menginformasikannya and giving knowledge to <span>the company so they know what things need to be improved and safeguarded against <span>consumers shop online; as well as prevent things which will reduce consumer <span>satisfaction. <span>The findings in this study indicate
more » ... that there is a positive influence a) adaptation <span>(adaptation), (b) interaction (interactivity), (c) maintenance (nurturing), (d) <span>commitment (commitment), (e) network (network), (f) diversity (assortment), (g)<br /><span>the ease of transaction (transaction ease), and (h) the agreement of usage<br /><span>(engagement) towards customer satisfaction, there is a positive influence customer <span>satisfaction to customer loyalty, there is a positive influence of Inertia, of the <span>relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and there is a <span>positive influence Trust affect the relationship between customer satisfaction to <span>customer loyalty <span>The result of this research has implications for the business online, to increase the <span>satisfaction and loyalty of customers on the company maintains, secondly, to <span>academics who want to develop a theory that advanced. <span>Recommendations for further research are expected to be able to use the online <span>shop globally as a comparison object of research, the addition of other variables <span>also affect customer satisfaction and loyalty in the online market.<br /><strong>Keyword: Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Online Market</strong></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></span></span>
doi:10.25105/jmpj.v6i0.515 fatcat:ckerk352zvcxphb2omxyxgkuci