Evaluation of Bulk Modulus of Oil System with Hydraulic Line

L. Hružík, M. Vašina, A. Bureček, Petra Dančová, Petr Novontý
2013 EPJ Web of Conferences  
The aim of the paper is to experimentally measure and evaluate bulk modulus of oil/steel pipe system and oil/hose system. The measurement was performed using experimental device on the basis of a measured pressure difference depending on time. Bulk modulus is evaluated from pressure change with known flow and volume of line. Pressure rise is caused by valve closure at the line end. Furthermore, a mathematical model of the experimental device is created using Matlab SimHydraulics software. Time
more » ... ependencies of pressure for the oil/steel pipe system and the oil/hose system are simulated on this mathematical model. The simulations are verified by experiment. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2 0 , which . permits unrestricted use, distributi and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. on, Article available at
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20134501041 fatcat:jmaao23awnbfjnyzy3iyweltzm