Stability Analysis of ITER Side Correction Coils

Fang Jin, Chen Xiaoyu, Zhou Wei, Liu Liangfeng, Song Yuntao, Wu Weiyue
2014 Physics Procedia  
The stability of the Side Correction Coils (SCC) cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC) for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) has been analyzed by the formulas and the code Gandalf. This paper describes the 1-dimensional mathematical code Gandalf, uses the code to simulate the quench and the recovery status of ITER SCC CICC, discusses the dependence of the stability margin on various operating parameters including operating current, operating temperature and mass flow
more » ... and analyzes the differences between the simulated values and the calculated values. The ITER SCC's quenching is also simulated to investigate its temperature distribution and temperature margin. Dependence of temperature margin on magnetic fields and operating temperature has been researched. The studies of ITER SCC provide a basis for the stable operation and optimization design of SCC CICC.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2014.09.067 fatcat:da3bcky22fgibn77litchwxqi4