Skewed CMOS: Noise-immune high-performance low-power static circuit family

A. Solomatnikov, D. Somasekhar, K. Roy, C.-K. Koh
2000 Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Computer Design  
In this paper; we present a noise-immune highperformance static circuit family suitable f o r low-voltage operation called skewed logic. Skewed logic circuits, in comparison with Domino logic, have better scalability, and they are more suitable for low voltage applications because of better noise margin. Skewed logic has been compared with Domino logic in terms of delay, power; and dynamic noise immunity. A design methodology f o r skewed CMOS pipelined circuits has been developed. Comparisons
more » ... etween skewed and Domino circuits on a 0.25 pm 700 M H z 16 x 16 bits pipelined multiplier show superior properties of skewed circuits over Domino in terms of clock power dissipation arid peak current consumption.
doi:10.1109/iccd.2000.878292 dblp:conf/iccd/SolomatnikovRKS00 fatcat:db6viqp4qzg3jgah6wek6o2gfq