The Paris Opera House

1898 Scientific American  
to the public. Ol'it of f7t) cOlllpetitors, five were selected to enter upon the second and definitive competitIOn. In the latter collllJetition Garnier won, and the young architect who was al most unheard of at the tillle was given t, he most imlJortant architectural COIlI mission which France had bestowAd for two hundred years. Some idf'a of the enOMIIOUS cost of the O-pera House may be g-ained whf'n it is said that over 67t),29t) working days were fur nished by masons, bricklayers, cat'pen
more » ... l's, etc., an d the total cost of the building-, from first to last, was over $7,OOO,00[). CopJtli:tlt, 1�9kl, by Munn.t Co.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican11121898-19119supp fatcat:cyeqprqowne3ngc3w5skvrg5wu