MAKER: Applying 3D Printing to Model Rocketry to Enhance Learning in Undergraduate Engineering Design Projects

Sven Bilen, Timothy Wheeler, Randall Bock
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings   unpublished
This paper presents several applications of 3D printing to model rocketry that were used to enhance experiential learning in two undergraduate engineering design courses. In a first-year seminar the students use a simplified systems engineering process to design and build model rockets to meet a mission goal defined by the faculty: determining their rocket's apogee using an onboard camera. The camera was mounted in a payload section that the students designed and 3D printed. The inclusion of 3D
more » ... printing allowed the students to iterate on their designs and to quickly make changes. In addition, a senior-level advanced computer aided design course offered as a project option to students the complete design, analysis, build, and launch of fully 3D-printed model rockets. We report on student and faculty experiences and provide materials and suggestions for adoption in other programs.
doi:10.18260/p.24448 fatcat:nrxuyugrxbd3pnkghp6iybseqi