Raspberry Pi as an Inexpensive Platform for Real-Time Traffic Jam Analysis on the Road

Robert Baumgartl, Dirk Mueller
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems  
Using mobile phones for accessing the Internet has become a standard use case of such devices, nowadays even more important than the good old phone call. WiFi at home or public ones allow for a low-cost or even unpaid access to the virtual world of the Internet. But, as we will show, this is only true to some degree in terms of monetary cost. One thing we're paying a lot with is the loss of our privacy. In this paper, we will show how easily and cheap potential attackers can track your mobile
more » ... one and, thus, you via data it sends all the time, so-called probe requests. Additionally we show by experimental data how this tracking can be used for traffic jam analysis on roads.
doi:10.15439/2018f290 dblp:conf/fedcsis/BaumgartlM18 fatcat:e47ddl37fnc6bohj7g6dbrbvyq