Employing Cantor sets for earthquake time series analysis in two zones of western Turkey

A. Sezer
2012 Scientia Iranica. International Journal of Science and Technology  
In this study, a fractal approach is employed to analyze the seismic history of Fethiye and Simav zones in the West of Turkey. In this scope, a database, including the set of earthquakes in two seismogenic zones, is compiled. Applying fractal dimension and probability concepts, it is aimed to find out the occurrence probability of earthquakes having magnitudes equal to or greater than a threshold level. The results are analyzed in detail and relationships among the fractal dimension, threshold
more » ... agnitude, probability intercept, and critical time scale are presented. The analyses revealed that activities in the Fethiye Zone are more frequent and continuous than those in the Simav Zone. As mentioned in previous studies, the critical time scales at certain magnitude thresholds can be referred to as the lower limit of the recurrence period of earthquakes in these zones.
doi:10.1016/j.scient.2012.10.001 fatcat:rnekq7iqwbbrrcgsz6svvbwyay