The Lancet
The session 1857-58 will be publicly opened on Monday, November 2nd, at two o'clock, P.M., when an address to students will be delivered by the principal. STATUTES RELATIVE TO THE DEGREE OF M.D. The candidates must have been engaged in medical study for four years, during at least six months of eaoh, in the University of Edinburgh, or in some other university where the degree of M. D. is given ; unless, in addition to three such sessions, he has attended, during six winter months, the medical
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... d surgical practice of a general hospital, with at least eighty patients, and during the same period a course of Practical anatomy. _ He must give sufficient evidence-That he has studied, under professors of medicine in this or in some other university, anatomy, chemistry, materia medica and pharmacy, institutes of medicine, practice of medicine, surgery, midwifery, and the diseases peculiar to women and children, general pathology, (or morbid anatomy three months, and a supplemental course of practice of medicine or clinical medicine,) practical anatomy, (unless it has been attended in the year of extra academical study allowed,) during courses of six months. Clinical medicine during courses of six months, or two courses of three months each. Clinical surgery, medical jurisprudence, botany, and natural history, including zoology, during courses of at least three months each. That besides the course of clinical medicine, he has attended, for six months of another year, the medical or surgical practice of a general hospital accommodating eighty patients. That he has been engaged, for at least six months, by apprenticeship or otherwise, in the art of compounding and dispensing drugs. That he has attended, for at least six months, by apprenticeship or otherwise, the out-practice of an hospital, or the practice of a dispensary, or that of a physician, surgeon, or member of the London or Dublin Society of Apothecaries. That he has studied, for one year previous to his graduation, in the University of Edinburgh. Every candidate for the degree of Medicine must deliver, before the 31st of March of the year in which he proposes to graduate, to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,-First-A declaration, in his own handwriting, that he is twenty-one years of age, or will be so before the day of graduation ; and that he will not then be under articles of apprenticeship to any surgeon or other master. Secondly-A statement of his studies, as well in literature and philosophy as in medicine, accompanied with proper certificates. Thirdly-A medical dissertation, composed by himself in Latin or English. Before a candidate be examined in Medicine, the Medical Faculty shall ascertain, by examination, that he possesses a competent knowledge of Latin. They shall then proceed to examine him either vivd voce or in writing-1st, on anatomy, chemistry, botany, institutes of medicine, and natural history, bearing chiefly on zoology; and 2ndly, on materia medica, pathology, practice of medicine, surgery, midwifery, and medical jurisprudence. Students may be admitted to an examination on the first division at the end of the third year of their studies. If the candidate have satisfied the Medical Faculty, he will be summoned, on the 31st of July, to defend his thesis ; and finally, if the senate think fit, he shall be admitted, on the first lawful day of August, to the degree of Doctor. ABSTRACT OF THE REGULATIONS RELATING TO ADMISSION TO THEIR FELLOWSHIP. Fellows.-No one can be elected a fellow of the college till he has obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine. His petition must be presented at a meeting of the college, after the fees shall have been lodged in the treasurer's hands; and, if a graduate of any university of Great Britain or Ireland, the motion for his admission may be determined by ballot at the first quarterly meeting of the college thereafter-a majority of three-fourths being necessary to carry it in the affirmative. Graduates of foreign universities must previously submit to an examination before the examiners of the college, which shall consist-1. Of a dissertation in English, on some subject in the practice of physic selected by the examiners, to be written by the candidate in an apartment of the college hall, under the superintendence of the examiners.