L. A. Tretyakova, N. I. Lavrikova
2010 Èkonomika Regiona  
экономика региона № 2/2010 At the present stage of socio-economic changes rural area economic activity conditions have changed in Russia, which has significantly worsened social facilities and engineering infrastructure effective functioning problem. The rural social infrastructure status has been recently deteriorating due to the lack of effective State support instruments and investments. In this paper, Russian rural social sphere development trends are considered, guidelines referred to the
more » ... overnment control of rural area social sphere development are analyzed, methodology related to social facilities and engineering infrastructure efficient functioning is suggested as a determining factor for the agriculture labor market efficient development. A conceptual model of rural area social infrastructure strategic development and a mechanism of management control organization and rural area social infrastructure development based on a comprehensive analysis are suggested. Transformation of the Russian society in XXI century is associated with the general crisis of almost all spheres of life: economical, political, social and moral. The radical socio-economic transformations in Russia, their complexity and ambiguity, inconsistency and lack of scientific basis have exacerbated social problems of rural population: unemployment and poverty have increased; health and education materialtechnical base has outdated, the range of socio-cultural services has reduced; physical culture and sport are not developed; network of preschools is limited, etc. The existing social situation in rural municipalities expressed in agricultural labor depreciation and its development motivational mechanisms weakening U.D.C. 338.431.2:330.59-048.78:005.6(470.319) keywords: social infrastructure, quality of life, rural population, life standard improvement
doi:10.17059/2010-2-16 fatcat:3bg2zzr2i5g43ef2buaaotbo3i