Redesigning the Layout Through Application of Kanban Principles in the Assembly Line (A Case Study)

Archana. R Archana. R, Radha Halagani
2011 Indian Journal Of Applied Research  
The objective of this paper is to provide a background on application of tools and techniques such as kanban system, value stream mapping(VSM) and value stream design(VSD) that are used for redesigning the layout in the finishing line in a leading auto industry in India for the movement of buses between two workstations. This includes detailed study and analysis of the existing storage system in the finishing line, study on the different types of storage systems, proposal of new kanban storage
more » ... oncepts. The research includes emphasis on analyzing characteristics of Kanban, map the current operating state for the assembly line and to highlight sources of waste and eliminate them by implementation of future state value stream. The implementation of kanban card and kanban flags made easy for information flow between workstation and stores which led to reduction in waiting time of the operators.
doi:10.15373/2249555x/apr2014/49 fatcat:ikt77cxwjra2jgrye7ndd6lz6u