A DASH-aware Performance Oriented Adaptation Agent

Lejla Rovcanin, Gabriel-Miro Muntean
2014 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting  
The proliferation of low-cost multimedia-enabled mobile devices and free educational video content is adding strain to existing limited bandwidth resource delivery networks. The newly introduced Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) standard is a cross-platform, efficient and cost-effective solution for media streaming to a variety of IP/multimedia enabled devices. This standard supports access to content stored at multiple hosts, but does not suggest any selection mechanism. This paper
more » ... scribes and evaluates a DASH-aware Performance Oriented Adaptation Agent (dPOAA) which dynamically selects best performing hosts for video delivery. Preliminary evaluation shows that this solution improves the quality of delivered video in terms of maintained estimated MOS and reduced buffering and initial delay on the client side.
doi:10.1109/bmsb.2014.6873468 dblp:conf/bmsb/RovcaninM14 fatcat:reylgaim6bd7roqt6xzm6pedui