Web-based Project Management Influence on Project Portfolio Managers' Technical Competencies

Vladimir Obradovic, Petar Jovanovic, Dejan Petrovic, Marko Mihic, Dragan Bjelica
2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This paper investigates the impact of the project management modules usage in web based environment and technical competencies of project portfolio managers. Recent studies indicate a large number of project managers' competencies. This study has aim to introduce project portfolio managers' competencies in terms of web based project management tools. A key contribution of this analysis refers to the correlation of project portfolio managers' technical competencies and critical success factors
more » ... om organizational and project perspective. Standard modules in a web-based project management tools are: resource and project center module, financial management module, time and task management module, collaboration module, risk and issue module, business intelligence and reporting module, portfolio selection and analytics module (strategy module). According to IPMA Competence Baseline, each module has a set of characteristics that represents specific technical competences for project portfolio managers. The research was conducted among 51 project portfolio managers in 51 different organizations from profit, nonprofit and public sector. Data collection instrument was online questionnaire that would provide findings on 4 major segments: 1.technical competencies from an organizational standpoint of view; 2.technical competencies from project standpoint of view, 3.success factors from organizational, project and personal standpoint of view; 4.web based project management modules application. This paper has both theoretical and practical influence on contemporary project management field of knowledge.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.044 fatcat:i4aw4nkhkreedn62sqgol2jjg4