Formability of Cryorolled Aluminum Alloy Sheets in Warm Forming

D. Raja Satish, Fitsum T. Feyissa, D. Ravi Kumar
2018 International Journal of Materials Mechanics and Manufacturing  
Aluminium alloys are widely used in automobile industry due to their high strength to weight ratio, excellent corrosion resistance and easy machinability making them an alternative material to low carbon steel. But, one of the limitations of aluminum alloy sheets is their inferior strength and formability at room temperature when compared to low carbon deep drawing grade steels. Cryorolling is a severe plastic deformation process used to obtain ultra-fine grain structure in aluminium alloys
more » ... g with high strength. However, it results in poor ductility and formability. Formability can be enhanced by warm forming, in which sheets metals are formed into desired shape at elevated temperatures but below the recrystallization temperature combining the advantages of both cold working and hot working. In this work, a hybrid processing route has been developed to enhance strength as well as formability of AA5083 alloy by cryorolling followed by warm forming. AA5083 aluminium alloy sheets of 5mm thickness were solutionized at 530°C followed by water quenching. These sheets were cryorolled to 1 mm thickness with 80% thickness reduction. Formability in biaxial stretch forming (in terms of limiting dome height) of these sheets was characterized at room temperature and elevated temperatures (200°C, 250°C and 300°C). Formability of the cryorolled sheets has been enhanced by forming in the warm working temperature range. The limit strains and limiting dome height have been found to be higher than in the case of conventional processing route (cold rolled, annealed and formed at room temperature) making this process capable of producing sheet metal parts of aluminium alloys with high strength and better formability. . He was awarded an advanced diploma in Menschen für Menschen Germany foundation, Harar Ethiopia in 2006. His research interests include materials characterization, advanced of sheet metal forming technology, FEA of sheet metal operations and design and manufacturing of tools and dies. He is currently working in advanced sheet metal forming and characterization of cryorolled nonferrous metals. He
doi:10.18178/ijmmm.2018.6.2.360 fatcat:o34zaev5kvembpb6xbvixashty