Diamond Drilling for Gold and other Minerals

B. H. B.
1900 Nature  
SEPTEMBER 6, I 900] NATURE 435 OUR BOOK SHELF. Probleme Kritische Studien iiber den ilf"onismus. Von Dr. H. v. Scheeler. Pp. viii + 107. (Leipzig : Engel mann, 1900.) apparatus and of working. It is, unfortunately, limited m 1ts scope. South African conditions are alone con· sidered, and the descriptions of the drills are confined to machines made by two American firms. The numerous well-designed drills of English and Continental make DR. VON ScHOELER's critique of monism is the work of are not
more » ... mentioned. The work cannot, however, fail to be a mind which, with all reverence for scientific fact, has of value to any one contemplating using diamond-drilling nothing but disdain for post-scientific theory. The machines for the examination of mineral lands in South monism of which Haeckel, for instance, or Romanes is J\frica. the exponent, has captured many scientific intellects, but The author gives some interesting results, deduced it is in Dr. von Scheeler's view an arbitrary conceptual from his own experience, of the rate of progress of construction. It leaves the problems still with us. Of machine diamond drilling in various rocks. For holes the ultimates of physics, of biology, of psychology, we up to 1000 feet he finds that, including all normal delays,
doi:10.1038/062435b0 fatcat:65bqjgilqrf2rfuegqx3buhhn4