
何 丽, 张 铷钫, 杨 晨, 李 晨曦
2019 计算机系统网络和电信  
the purpose of this paper is to study the development prospects of agricultural specialty products in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province under the E-commerce platform. Due to the superior geographical location of Haoshan and Haoshui in Luzhou, it is put into the e-commerce platform in view of its advantages. The formation of a scientific and systematic modernization of the sales model, can be good for the creation of agricultural specialty, promote the sale of rural specialty, and further promote
more » ... agricultural specialty out of Luzhou to the world.
doi:10.18686/jsjxt.v1i1.91 fatcat:zfil6z5jqnairbpmq2j5zfgkgi