Reaction of Certain Sugarcane Varieties to Infection with Pokkah Boeng Disease Caused by Fusarium Subglutenans

2014 Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences  
Susceptibility of sixteen sugarcane varieties to infection with pokkah boeng disease and effect of the disease on vegetative growth of sugarcane plants were tested under open greenhouse conditions and artificial inoculation of Fusarium subglutinans in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons in Upper Egypt. All tested sugarcane varieties were susceptible to infection with the pathogen with different degrees of susceptibility. In the two tested seasons, the G.T.54-9 and G.2004-32 varieties showed high
more » ... ceptibility followed by G.2003-47, G.2003-3, G.1999-103 and G.1998-28, then other tested varieties. However, G.2001-79 and G.2000-176 varieties proved to be moderately susceptible. K2 isolate of F. subglutinans caused higher disease severity than K5 isolate, on the tested sugarcane varieties in both tested seasons. The interaction between tested varieties and fungal isolates was significant in both seasons. The highest disease severity (٧٢.0 and 76.0%) was recorded on G.T.54-9 and G.2004-32 varieties inoculated with K2 of F. subglutinans in both seasons, while the lowest disease severity (20.0%) was recorded on G.2001-79 and G.2000-176 varieties infected with K2 and K5 isolates. Infection with of F. subglutinans isolates increased the number of tillers/plant by two folds in infected plants compared with non-inoculated plants in both seasons, however, the number of internodes/plant, stalk length and stalk diameter of the tested sugarcane varieties were significantly decreased by infection.
doi:10.21608/ajas.2014.870 fatcat:isjdpmrqhfd7rjt72pao5clmbu