Electric and magnetic antennas as REAL transmission lines in plasma and the miracle of self-focusing of whistler mode propagation

Klaus Bibl
2011 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium  
When one considers the losses in an antenna impedance measurement of the Very-low Frequency RPI experiment in space mostly caused by local electrons and ions flowing into the antenna and the spacecraft, instead of radiation, because these losses were non-linear with voltage, and can explain the excellent recordings of multibounce whistler mode echoes as self-focused in spite of low power, the search for new antenna configurations is required if high-power transmission is necessary.
more » ... the antenna in plasma as a real transmission line, leads to a magnetic-electric antenna, end-loaded with capacity.
doi:10.1109/ursigass.2011.6051128 fatcat:tks26ztzmrgwlkmeqpmc3moxd4