Development of a Spanish food composition data bank

María Teresa Fernández Muñoz, Carmen Galbán Ferrús, Aida Méndez, Luz Moreno, Magdalena Ribas
2020 Revista Española de Documentación Científica  
The Spanish food composthon Data Bank on dairy products -and alcoholic beverages is described. A prototipe has been developed by the Institute for Information and Documentation in Science and Technology in collaboration with the Industrial Fermentation Institute, both of them belonging to the CSIC. Factual information as well as bibliografic information on authors, papers, institutions, analytical methods, etc., related in every case to food, are available through the data bank. The computer
more » ... lication using the DBIII, allows, by meaos of a menu system, the update and retrieval of the information on the data bank. Explanations on the standardization, organization and retrieval of information are included.
doi:10.3989/redc.1991.v14.i3.301 doaj:aac9be2b7b574d0e8c006a425a013ba0 fatcat:27p2ay3zbbblxfc76h2wonur7q