Cooperative rhythm production between three people through auditory signals

Taiki Ogata, Takahiro Katayama, Yoshihiro Miyake, Jun Ota
2012 2012 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS)  
The purpose of this study was to investigate the charac teristics of cooperative rhythm production between three people and the effect of cross-feedback between people on the cooperation. We conducted an experiment in which two mutually isolated followers simultaneously performed a synchronized-fInger-tapping task with a human leader or metronome producing constant tempo. The followers performed this task with or without tap ping timing information of the other follower. The lead ers were asked
more » ... to tap their finger to keep constant tempo with or without the tapping time information of follow ers. The cross-feedback between followers enlarged syn chronization error. The cross-feedback between a leader and followers shortened their inter-tap intervals (ITIs) and decreased the standard deviations of ITIs. These results suggest that the cross-feedback between people in synchronized tapping did not contribute the accuracy of timing of tapping but the variability of tapping timing.
doi:10.1109/mhs.2012.6492491 dblp:conf/mhs/OgataKMO12 fatcat:h46ad47gifhw3hs3ozhvbjn7vu